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The situation in El Algarrobico

More than a year after the paralyzation of the construction of the hotel in El Algarrobico by a court in Almería, the situation is becoming more and more confusing.

Basically no, there is no confusion, it is obvious that the hotel is illegal. It is on protected land, within the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar in Zone C1, (Natural Area of General interest, according to the PORN in force published in the BOJA in 1994, the only valid cartography.); that is, where it is illegal to build.

> Français: Algarrobico, situation actuelle

> Deutsch: Die derzeitige Situation des Hotels Algarrobico

> Español: La situación en El Algarrobico

Campaign for signatures:
- français
deutsch - english

And since one cannot build on the land where it is located, it is ILLEGAL. That which is very, very confusing is the behaviour of the Administrations involved, especially that of the Junta de Andalucia.

Several different ecological associations have initiated numerous judicial procedures which are in process. The wait in these cases is always long, but it is starting to seem too long to us. Also, we are not sure that there is going to be a happy ending and that the hotel will finally be demolished. We are not even sure that the suspension of the construction will be maintained.

In this moment we have no news of any of the Administrations involved, the Ministry of the Environment and the Junta de Andalucia (the position of the local government of Carboneras is one of complete support of this and other constructions), having recognized that the hotel El Algarrobico and all of the sector where it is located (many other buildings are foreseen in this sector), that the land is not urban according to the PORN in force.

On the contrary, the administrations speak of expropriating the area of construction which invades the 100 metres of public access of the coasts, and to recuperate the property by using the “prior right of purchase”, etc.

Not only that, but the Junta de Andalucia itself is defending with the Town Council and Azata (the builder and promoter) that the public access be only 50 metres (which would save the greater part of the hotel). Nothing of all of this confusion propitiated by the Administrations and the politicians guarantee that the El Algarrobico will be demolished. We fear the contrary.

We must make all of those involved understand that the citizenry will not back down in its commitment to the defense of the environment. We only want that the law be enforced: El Algarrobico is built on protected land in a natural park, that of Cabo de Gata, which is a place of high protection in the European Community, (Place of Community Interest and Zone of Special Protection of Birds), and is ILLEGAL. It must be demolished as is established by law and the responsibilities of the politicians, the public figures, the civil servants and the private citizens who have participated and are those responsible for this monumental illegality must be investigated.

Title page of BOJA of 22.12.1994 and map of PORN

PORN published in the BOJA of 22.12.1994
Extract of Zone of Carboneras and Algarrobico

The zonification of the PORN appears in gray. We can observe how the Macrohotel in construction (shown with dots and arrow), is in Zone C1 and B, protected space which cannot be urbanized.

Zones which cannot be urbanized:
A1 Exceptional Natural Ecosystems
B Exceptional Natural Ecosystems with Antropic Transformations.
C1 Natural Areas of General Interest
C2 Areas of Traditional Cultivation

Zones which can be urbanized:
D1 Urban areas
D2 Urbanizable areas
D5 Preexisting inhabited areas (nuclei)

Location of the Hotel of El Algarrobico in the map of the PORN
Photo: Hotel de El Algarrobico, © AP

We are organizing a campaign of signatures which we have shown in the previous pages to remind the Administrations that all of us as citizens continue interested in the restoration of the environmental legality and all of us wish to enjoy this small natural space which we will have won for our future.

Asociación de Amigos del Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata-Níjar