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Campaign o contentions to the PORN-2006

Esteemed neighbors and visitors of the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar:

We inform you that the new PORN (Plan de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales- Plan of Regulations of the Natural Resourses) which will rule as the maximum law (norm) of the protected space of the Natural Park, is now in public exposition. As we expected, based on what we knew from the previous project, the protection of this Reserve of the Biosphere diminishes remarkably, producing a great risk for the conservation of this fragile sub-desert ecosystem

For all of the above, we organize a Campaign of Public Contentions to the PORN of Cabo de Gata.

> You will find here information of how to sign the contentions

Describimos aquí los principales problemas de esta nueva normativa:

-In the new law we find (and without specific norms in the urban areas!!) San José, San Miguel, La Fabriquilla, La Isleta, Rodalquilar, Las Negras, Agua Amarga, among others, increase in size beyond reason, in some cases quintupling their extension , with which an abusive urban development would be produced, putting in danger the natural ecosystems, in addition to propitiate the development of masses of tourism unthinkable for conserving a Natural Park as valuable as that of Cabo de Gata. And to this we can add the subjects of infrastructures, drinkable water, residual waters /sewage, and such which until now are endemic deficiencies in this area and which will only increase with the resulting volumen of people which is expected.
* Also in the new PORN large agricultural areas of intensive cultivation in the open air with irrigation are potentiated. Areas which until now have been only of dry-land, non-irrigated farming, the majority of them abandoned agricultural fields in the process of regeneration, will now be over-exploited by irrigation, which will change the sub-desert ecosystem typical of this Natural Park and will radically change its landscape. Some of these areas include zones of incalculable landscape-panoramic and ecologic value such as the plains of Genoveses, the valley of Rodalquilar, Escullos, etc. Zones C1.
* There will be a legalization of all of the illegalities which have occurred and which have been denounced : illegal greenhouses, illegal urbanizations …(Isleta, Algarrobico, Rodalquilar, etc)
* The coast will be at the mercy of massive tourism development, that is, with the exception of small areas of total protection, the most important beaches (El Playazo, Cala de San Pedro, Genoveses, Monsul,etc) obviously those of greatest natural landscape value, will no longer be protected, since tourism is being promoted with the modifications of usage for greater profit; the new regulations will potentially decrease the protection of the whole coast. Zones B3 + B5.

*The new map of the PORN project can be seen in web de la Junta de Andalucía.

That is, the Natural Park Cabo de Gata will be converted to an area of massive tourism and intensive agricultural exploitation, with which its protection and conservation will be impossible, and one of the few unspoiled areas of the Mediterranean coast will degrade, an area doted with all of the qualifications for protection: Reserve of the Biosphere, LIC (Lugar de Interés Comunitario-Place of Community Interest), Directiva Habitat de la UE- Habitat Directive of the European Community, ZEPA (Zona Especial Protección de Aves- Zone of Special Protection of Birds), ZEPIM ( Zona Especialmente Protegidas de Importancia para de Mediterráneo- Special Protected Zone of Importance for the Mediterranean), and included in Geoparques 2000, and still the Environmental Council plans to reduce the protection and conservation laws and thereby favor the unrestrained greediness of a few.

For all of the above, we ask for your collaboration in this Campaign of Public Contentions to the PORN of Cabo de Gata.

> You will find here information of how to sign the contentions