of the Natural Park
Now is an
crucial time for the future of our natural surroundings.
Shortly, the regulations for the protection and
development of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural
Park will be revised, and these regulations are
vitally important for the conservation of such
a fragile ecosystem.
Irrigated land near El Cortijo de El Fraile, ©
Amigos del Parque |
PORN: Natural Resources
( PORN: Plan de Ordenación de los
Recursos Naturales)
This is implemented by the Junta de Andalucía
(the Andalusian Government) by means of a Decree
and it is the most important of all the regulations.
It is a top-level legal instrument, to which all
other regulations affecting the park, including
the land-use regulations, are subordinate. The
new zoning given in the PORN divides the park
into zones: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2 and
C3, with the degree of protection conferred by
these categories ranging from high to low. Maximum
protection is afforded to zone A and minimum to
C2, excluding C3 areas. The Natural Resources
Plan is effective for an indefinite period, and
this is why it is so important that the regulations
are correct.
PRUG: Park Use and Management
( PRUG: Plan Rector de Uso y Gestión
del Parque)
This document completes the PORN. According to
the forecasts made in the PORN and within the
limits established by that document, the PRUG
is the document that specifies the various economic
activities that can be undertaken in the Park.
On this plan rides the issue of whether tourism
or agricultural development is opted for; the
PRUG also lays down the criteria for construction,
how and when ruins can be renovated, what infrastructure
works can go ahead, etc.
The PDS: Plan for Sustainable
Development of the Park.
( PDS: Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del
This document determines the area of economic
influence of the Park. Thus, it does not coincide
with the territory that defines the Park, but
extends to land surrounding it. This plan has
already been approved and is pending publication
in the BOJA (Official Bulletin of the Government
of Andalusia). The PDS is purely a declaration
of intent, since it does not consider specific
projects, timescales for completion, or budgets.
The text of the PORN and
PRUG plans was submitted to the Junta Rectora
de Parque (the Parks Governing Council),
so that its members could make appropriate observations.
Ecologistas en Acción (Environmentalists
in Action), GEM (Mediterranean Environmentalist
Group) and Amigos del Parque (Friends
of the Park) prepared a joint document of
representations. The definitive Plan is being
compiled by the Junta de Andalucía with
the revisions that they consider appropriate,
and will be published in the BOJA. From that date
a period for public consultation opens, during
which any citizen or association can make their
PORN: plan for zonation
of land uses
zonation of land uses in the existing and
the new PORN has changed, in terms of the
names of the various categories and the
regulations accorded to each. For this reason,
we have described the various zones below,
summarizing the most important clauses.
The notes in italic summarize our objections
and describe the problems that we consider
need to be corrected in the definitive PORN.
zones B and C include the following open
clause regarding the permitted uses: "Any
other action that the corresponding authorization
process deems compatible." This clause
must be removed, since it would create permanent
conflict and so weaken the level of protection.
Reserves (A1)
Classification in this zone confers
maximum protection. In spite of this,
exploitation of these zones for livestock
is permitted. This must be prohibited
in these areas of maximal protection
to ensure their conservation. Underground
linear infrastructures are also permitted,
leaving the door open for the new
oil pipeline that would enter Spain
via Cabo de Gata.
Examples of Zone A1: Los Frailes, La
Polacra,... |
Reserves (A2)
Zone A2 affords maximal protection in
the marine environment. Amongst other
things, any action that could cause
substantial modification to the ecosystems
is prohibited, both in the marine and
intertidal zones.
Examples of Zone A2: off La Polacra,
off the lighthouse at Cabo de Gata,... |
of Special Regulation (B) |
of Habitat or Species Management (B1)
Traditional arable and livestock agriculture
are permitted, which respect fallow
cycles and existing bushes and shrubs.
We disagree on this point since this
rule favours ploughing of fields for
subsequent speculative development.
Again, underground linear infrastructures
are permitted, along the margins of
existing highways. In general, we
disagree with this treatment of infrastructures,
since it favours the economic aspects
and does not foster clean and alternative
energy sources.
Examples of Zone B1: The Saltpans at
Cabo de Gata,... |
Wild Areas (B2)
Existing primary activities that do
not imply any transformation of the
environment: livestock, hunting and
forestry activities. Seasonal limits
will be imposed on livestock herding
and hunting activities where conservation
criteria demand it. If we bear in
mind that these wild areas are areas
for conservation and regeneration of
ecosystems, it seems illogical that
these activities are deemed generally
compatible. Whilst in some zones they
may be compatible, they should be subject
to very strict limitations.
Examples of Zone B2: Campo de Cala Enmedio
and Cala de Plomo,... |
Areas with Agricultural Resources (B3)
Compatible activities in these zones
include existing primary activities.
Here it should be stated explicitly
that abandoned cultivated lands must
be B2, and that only land currently
or very recently cultivated (no more
than 3 years ago) can be included in
this category. Hunting is alos a
compatible use. We judge that hunting
must be prohibited throughout the Park.
Although thei economic contribution
may be minimal, there are twenty-five
hunting preserves in the Park. Poor
management can cause deaths of wild
and domestic animalsthrough the use
of poison.
Examples of Zone B3: Cortijo del Paraiso,... |
Riverbed and Coastal Areas (B4)
This zone corresponds to beaches and
ramblas. The open clause mencioned
at the beginning of this article appears
here and so can cause conflicts of interpretation.
Example of Zone B4: Rambla de El Playazo. |
Areas with Primary Exploitation and
Recreation Areas (B5)
Anchoring of boats is permitted in the
places delimited for that purpose. The
PRUG allows for an increase in the number
of permanent moorings; we believe that
any increase needs to be minimized and
that anchoring points are grouped, so
as to avoid cases like the beach at
Agua Amarga during the summer.
Examples of Zone B5: the entire coast
except that classified as Marine Reserve. |
of Common Regulation (C) |
Zones (C1)
Permitted activities include agricultural
exploitation and transformation of non-irrigated
to irrigated land. We disagree with
this clause since crops grown under
irrigation require very large quantities
of water (yet we live in a semidesert
area). In addition, the use of toxic,
phytosanitary products, where crops
are not organically grown, produces
significant negative impacts on the
ecosystems, which can be as important
as those produced by greenhouse cultivation.
The Plan must guarantee that the Park
is not converted into an extensive area
of irrigated land. Traditional crops
that are compatible with the climate
and soils of the area should be favoured.
Examples of Zone C1: Cortijo del Fraile,
Valle de Rodalquilar, Valle de Escullos,... |
of Intensive Agriculture (C2) GREENHOUSES
We judge greenhouse cultivation to
be a method of cultivation, which from
an ecological viewpoint, is totally
incompatible with the Natural Park.
Not only should they be withdrawn from
the protected spaces, but there should
also be a buffer zone that would mean
that the Park is not contaminated by
toxic residues, which this type of intensive
agriculture tends to produce.
Examples of Zone C2: Campo de Cala Enmedio,
Cala de Plomo... |
Groups of Habitations (C3)
In these groups of habitations restoration
of buildings is considered a compatible
activity, as well as the construction
of additional storeys for residential
use or for tourism. This will mean
an expansion of isolated hamlets which,
legally speaking, would be on a par
with the urban centres. Since the PORN
does not place any specification or
limitations on urban areas, these small
hamlets, like the urban centres,, the
town planning regulations will be interpreted
by the corresponding town council.
Examples of Zone C3: Las Casillas, las
Presillas, La Joya... |
del Parque (Friends of the Park),
Ecologistas en Acción (Environmentalists
in Action) and GEM (Mediterranean
Environmentalist Group) and have submitted
an initial series of representations to
the Junta Rectora (Governing Council) of
the Park to be taken into account in the
compilation of the definitive Plan that
will be published by the Junta de Andalucía
in the BOJA. A period of 30 days to submit
formal representations opens from the date
that the Plan appears in the BOJA.
Summary of main
objections to the PORN
in the size of the area that is
protected. All the urban areas,
in addition to being considerably
enlarged (some are tripled in
size) are excluded from the PORN.
Consequently, they are excluded
from the Natural Park, which means
that the Park appears full of
black holes (the urban
areas) where there is no regulation
on the part of the PORN with respect
to building limits or planning
(elevation, type of construction,
volume of construction, as well
as the maximum capacity of each
population centre). |
La Almadraba, © Amigos del
Parque |
planning regulations will be solely
those established by the respective
town councils, although the Environmental
Administration has the right to assume
the jurisdiction that is legally conferred
to them via the PORN as an instrument
of land use planning ".
population centres (with the exception
of San Miguel de Cabo de Gata) either
lack wastewater treatment works, or
else these are not functioning. This
means the land is subject to pollution
or that wastewaters are discharged
to sea.
scarcity of water for potable and
domestic use. It must not be possible
to authorize new building licences
that would draw water from the aquifers.
levels need to be specified, as well
as limits on light pollution, both
within and outside the urban areas.
We have
identified loopholes in the Plans that allow the
construction of new ports/harbours and the extension
of existing ones.
In the Marine
Reserves (A2) and Marine Areas (B5) the installation
of sea outfalls, oil pipelines and submarine cables
should be considered as incompatible activities.
and environmental assets
should be prohibited and declared as an incompatible
activity, since we are dealing with a protected
natural space for flora and fauna.
The castles,
towers and other buildings of architectural merit,
which are generally in a state of ruin, should
be restored. The owners of those privately owned
should be obliged to conserve the properties.
There are
illegal tips and dumps throughout the Park. These
should be identified, closed down, and the landowner
made responsible for their restoration. Deliberate,
illegal degradation of the environment must carry
severe sanctions.
The mouth
of the Rambla Morales is recognized as home to
the richest bird community. However, it is not
specifically identified as being of exceptional
ornithological value, nor is the existence of
a colony of white-headed/Ruddy ducks (Oxyura leucocephala).
This zone should be considered as zone A, i.e.,
with the maximum protection.
It is contradictory
to show the marine area off Cabo de Gata as being
"of great biogeographical interest",
and yet plan for the installation of an oil pipeline
from Algeria in the same place.
reefs should be installed in the Zone B areas
to stop illegal trawling.
is it stated which areas are of landscape or scenic
value. Scenic interest is acknowledged as being
one of the fundamental features of the Park needing
protection but in no instance are these defined.
the areas of interest for plant conservation,
there is no mention of the Barranco de la Curria,
which supports the largest concentration of swards
of the lily
europeaum"; nor are the swards of this plant
listed amongst the habitats requiring greater
exploitation and recreation areas
respect to the transformation of non-irrigated
to irrigated land, we should remember
that irrigation is an activity with
a marked impact, particularly in a
region valued for its arid characteristics.
The regulations should be consistent
with the lack of water in these zones.
Measures should be taken to prohibit
the ploughing of terrain that has
been fallow for a certain time, and
to prohibit ploughing in B1 zones.
Irrigated land near El Cortijo de El
Fraile, © AP |
Crops grown under
plastic are incompatible in an area of high
ecological interest. Toxic residues generated
by such activities are highly contaminating.
Any possibility of
a change in landuse to non-urbanizable land
should eliminated. All crops grown within
the Park should be obligatorily according
to organic cultivation practices.
It is impudent to
permit grazing by sheep or goats in the
A1 zones of maximum protection.
Fish farms should
be prohibited along the entire length of
the protected coastline. This type of activity
is a focus for contamination and degradation
of the beds of Neptune Grass (Posidonia)
that grow around them and which are so crucial
for maintaining the equilibrium of the marine
ecosystem to be protected. Their degradation
could bring a significant decrease in marine
species both in terms of diversity and abundance,
and would lead to a loss of traditional
Mining activity is
not mentioned. The mines and quarries that
are currently active are numerous, and they
need to be strictly and specifically regulated,
to ensure that pollution and deterioration
of the zones are avoided. Moreover, the
PORN should contemplate a ban on any new
mining concessions, and prepare landscape
restoration plans for those abandoned ones.
of objections to the PRUG
The document
is vague and contradictory. The development of
rural tourism inland, maintenance of the hunting
preserves, development of goat herding and the
transformation of land for crop irrigation, would
all turn out to be incompatible activities, unless
it is guaranteed that they would be undertaken
using organic farming practices. The transformation
of dry land to irrigated croplands in the C1 zones
provides for a tremendous expansion. Considering
the large extent of C1 land, there could be a
very large area of irrigated agriculture that
would prejudice the conservation of wildlife and
of the traditional landscape. The availability
of desalinated water from Carboneras could unleash
an avalanche of this type of irrigated development.
It would be advisable to distinguish between landowners
who had title to their land before and subsequent
to the PORN of 1994. Preference should be given
in C1 zones to traditional cultivation.
does not allow for studies of the viability and
sustainability of exploitation of resources for
tourism, residential and primary activities within
the Park. Moreover, since the PORN excludes urban
centres, there is nothing to stop the development
of the Torremolinos type of tourism or of industrial
developments like that at Carboneras.
Environmental Practice" does not appear as
a necessary requisite for the installation of
infrastructures. As far as telecommunications
are concerned, there is no guarantee that they
will be free of environmental impact, nor that
installations will not be duplicated or be dispersed
throughout the Park. The resurfacing of highways
needs to refer not only to asphalting and road-widening,
but also to speed restrictions and the adoption
of alternative means of travel (public transport).
Bicycle tracks have not even been contemplated.
anchorage seems poorly regulated. No limits are
placed either on the number of boats or the season,
and dropping anchor is allowed on beaches frequented
by large numbers of bathers. Neither San José
nor Las Negras are zones of stable anchorage,
this type of activity has never taken place at
these locations and, moreover, the characteristics
of the beach disallow it.
the numbers of visitors to the beaches is only
contemplated for Genoveses and Monsul, whereas
it will be necessary for many other beaches within
the Park.
The Park
lacks a buffer zone (outside the boundary of the
Park) that would minimize Mans impact (greenhouses,
mass tourism, industry and urban development):
This lack is provoking strangulation and gradual
deterioration over the whole of the protected
The urban
planning does not include any preventative measure
to avoid flooding from watercourses. On the contrary,
the ramblas continue to ver urbanized, dangerously
narrowing the watercourses and obstructing the
course of the rivers with rubble, excavated soil,
of buildings for tourist use permits a maximum
surface area of construction of 1,500m2, or 100%
of the plot, regardless of where the installation
is situated (except in Zones A1). This is excessive
given that the land lies outside of urban centres.
It is evident that such activity could not claim
to comply with requirements for the sustainable
development for the autochthonous residents of
the area.
formales de Amigos del Parque
In addition
to the campaign of public representations, we
are preparing the joint formal representations
from the Amigos del Parque (Association of Friends
of the Cabo de Gata Níjar Natural
Park), Ecologistas en Acción (Environmentalists
in Action) and GEM (Mediterranean Environmentalists
Group). To do this we are undertaking detailed
fieldwork over the whole of the Park.. This fieldwork
is a fundamental to compiling the detailed documentation
required so that our representations are supported
with accurate and precise information.
If you would like to participate in one of the
work groups undertaking the fieldwork, contact
the Association by telephone or by e-mail.